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The DJ Josh Show

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Show Overview:


DJ Josh DJ Josh

Time Slot:

Sundays: 5-9PM ET





Original Air Date:



The DJ Josh show is weekly music show hosted by DJ Josh. During the show DJ Josh plays music and music videos from various genres, with a heavy focus on contemporary Christian music. Josh plays a lot of music from his favorite artist TobyMac, along with other contemporary music artists such as Skillet, DC Talk, NewsBoys and more. The show also features a variety of rock and heavy metal music from a wide variety of bands including Linkin Park. The DJ Josh show is also home to the ‘Royal Slap’ which is a funny virtual slap that Josh came up with that features a mixture of slapping and punching. In addition to the royal slap, the DJ Josh Show is also home to the ‘royal wave’ which Josh ends the show with every week.

The DJ Josh Show accepts song requests live during the show (with limited exceptions and at DJ discretion).
